Po jesensko zimski hibernaciji se Zenith vrača na klubski koledar.
🔹 Olivia Swim 🔹 M62hb 🔹 WAKNU
Music policy: Electro, Breaks, Ghetto Tech, Acid, Techno
Vstopnina: 10€ na vratih, 20 kart je na voljo po 8 € (DM @znthsessions za več info)
Pred vsemi poletnimi projekti začenjajo svojo sezono z malo krajšim, bolj domačim, a intenzivnim spomladanskim prebujanjem v domačem klubu Channel Zero. Pričnemo ob 24.00 in zaključimo ob 5.00. Krajši format omogoči skupen prihod in odhod večine obiskovalcev ter veliko energije čez celoten večer. Olivia Swim bo poskrbela za uvodni set, ogrete vas prevzameta domača člana M62Hb ter WAKNU. Se vidimo na plesišču!
Grafika: 69686 (@kristinapr__)
Organizacija: Zenith
After an autumn and winter hibernation, Zenith is returning to the club calendar. Before diving into summer projects, they are kicking off their season with a shorter, more intimate but intense spring awakening at their home venue, KUD Channel Zero.
The night starts at midnight and runs until 5:00am. A more compact format allows most visitors to arrive and leave together, keeping the energy high throughout the night. Olivia Swim will open the night, followed by M62Hb and WAKNU, who will take over once the dancefloor is warmed up.
🔹 Olivia Swim
🔹 M62hb (Zenith)
🔹 WAKNU (Zenith)
Music policy: Electro, Breaks, Ghetto Tech, Acid, Techno
Graphics: 69686 (@kristinapr__)
• 10€ at the door
• 20 tickets available for 8€ (DM @znthsessions for more info)