Void Nacht kolektiv vabi na prešvicano noč trdih kickov in distorziranih zvokov ob izdaji VA-ja.
🕳️ Pulses 🕳️ N.GREZI 🕳️ Ofnana_pesa 🕳️ Selgor
Vstopnina: 10€ < 24.00 > 12€
Music policy: Techno/Industrial/Hard
Poleg večinskega dela Void rezidentov smo v goste povabili mojstra trših ritmov – Pulses in N.Grezi, katera najdeš tudi na prihajajočem VA-ju.
Void Nacht collective invites you for a sweaty night of hard kicks and distorted sounds to celebrate the release of our very first VA. Besides 2 of the Void residents we’ve invited the Netherland and Croatian techno artillery – PULSES and N.Grezi, also featured on VA.
Ticket before midnight: 10€
After midnight: 12€