V prvi proper poletni ediciji Štroma predstavljamo selekcijo prijateljev serijalke, ki že dolgo čakajo na izlet v LJ.
⚡ k means [SE/UK] ⚡ MOM$ [ZA/BE] ⚡ Anásta ⚡ Fujita Pinnacle b2b Nice Trick ⚡ VJ KNNZ b2b SZCH [HR]
Vstopnina: 12€ (discounted) / 15€ (full)
Iz Bristola prihaja k means – djka in aktivna radijska gostiteljica razpeta med Veliko Britanijo in Švedsko ter redna gostja Britanskih plesišč posvečenim bass in footwork soundu.
Iz Genta v Belgiji prav tako naš dober znanec Mom$, zagrizen producent in head honcho Scumtapes spletne založbe, prepoznaven po svoji obskurnih lo-fi house in našopanih jungle produkcijah.
V vlogi domačega supporta za tokratno edicijo iz sestrskega Ustanova kolektiva vabimo Anásto s svojo razgibano selekcijo vnetljivih ritmov in pa divji kombo najbolj hardcore-posvečenih rezidentov Fujita Pinnacle btb Nice Trick.
Za live gaming vizualne posege skrbita naša in-house cyber pixie Knnz VS hrvaški pro-gamer SZCH.
In the first proper summer edition of Štrom, which will take place in a more intimate configuration in Channel Zero’s home turf, we present a selection of friends who’ve been waiting for a trip to LJ a long time. Coming over from Bristol is k means – a dj regular to the British dancefloors dedicated to the bass and footwork sound as well as active radio host on the move between the UK and Sweden. From Ghent in Belgium we’re having over Mom$, avid producer and head honcho of the Scumtapes online label, w his obscure lo-fi house and filthy jungle productions. For this edition’s home support we’re inviting Anásta with her playful selection heavy on rhytms as well as the flammable combo of the most hardcore-dedicated residents Fujita Pinnacle btb Nice Trick. Live gaming visual will be provided by our in-house cyber pixie Knnz VS Croatian pro-gamer SZCH.