Klubski večeri

Keep In Mind: Pre-event #1

Navdušenci nad elektronsko glasbo, ljubitelji nizkih frekvenc in nočne ptice vseh oblik! Keep in Mind vabi na premierno noč težkih basov, polomljenih ritmov in nepričakovanih preobratov v ljubljanski underground instituciji.

🧠 Babilonska (HR) 🧠 N/OBE (HR) 🧠 Nice Trick 🧠 Zorkow

Vstopnina: 10€


Na prvem Keep in Mind preeventu se bo predstavila dinamična zasedba izkušenih didžejev z edinstvenim glasbenim okusom in žanrsko raznolikimi seti, ki bodo zadovoljili še tako zahtevna ušesa! Zato smo zelo veseli, da bomo gostili dva najboljša hrvaška selektorja, ki ustvarjata valove v jugosferi in širše: N/OBE in Babilonska! Pridružila se jima bosta še ljubljanski jungle poljudnoznanstvenik Nice Trick in d’n’b wiz kid Zorkow!

Nina Maštruko aka Babilonska je hrvaška didžejka, ki v svojih setih združuje različne estetike sodobne elektronske glasbe, od bassa, breakbeata in beat scene do footworka in ostrih klubskih zvokov. Zadnjih šest let je dejavna na zagrebški neodvisni sceni kot ustanoviteljica festivala eksperimentalne glasbe ZEZ Festival. Je tudi članica kolektiva/serije Subtilno in sovoditeljica radijske oddaje Ambikronia na Radiu Študent, ki predstavlja marginalne glasbene scene in sodobno eksperimentalno klubsko glasbo.

N/OBE je zagrebški didžej, producent, promotor in radijski voditelj. Navdušuje tako s svojo premišljeno selekcijo in smislom za dramaturgijo kot nenadkriljivo tehniko. Je soustanovitelj zagrebškega kolektiva VOLTA, ki skupaj z beograjsko SUTRO in ljubljansko USTANOVO tvori vsebalkansko rave platformo Borba. Skladbe je izdal pri italijanski založbi Early Reflex in nemški založbi Kaer’Uiks, na Hrvaškem pa deluje kot medijski skladatelj in ustvarja glasbo za gledališče, ples, galerijske razstave in kratke filme.

Nice Trick je eden od najvidnejših talentov, ki so se pojavili na slovenski sceni sodobne elektronske glasbe, njegov talent za takojšnje ustvarjanje razpoloženja v kombinaciji s skrbnim programiranjem bobnov in okusnimi referencami pa so opazili tako glasbeni novinarji kot obiskovalci dogodkov. Zaradi eklektičnosti in filmskega pridiha svojega dela je izstopil iz žanrskih okvirov in si ustvaril lastno nišo na zelo konkurenčni in tesno povezani sceni, kar dokazuje z nenehnimi izdajami in nastopi na festivalu MENT in različnih klubskih večerih.

Zorkow je projekt, ki temelji na razvoju inovativnih idej znotraj klubske elektronske glasbe. Primarni fokus je produkcija in vrtenje novodobnih žanrskih hibridih pod okriljem Drum & Bassa.

POZOR! Na dogodku si lahko zagotovite zgodnje vstopnice za letošnji festival Keep in Mind! Že zdaj si zagotovite vstopnice s popustom in se nam junija pridružite na ekstravagantnem glasbenem doživetju z mednarodnimi gosti, delavnicami in še veliko več!

Organizatorji: Mladinska postaja Moste (Združenje Sezam) in KUD Channel Zero


Electronic music enthusiasts, low frequency lovers and party pundits everywhere! Keep in Mind cordially invites you to a premiere night of heavy bass, broken beats and unexpected twists at Ljubljana’s underground institution Channel Zero!

The first Keep in Mind pre-event will showcase a dynamic lineup of established DJs with unique musical palates and genre-blending sets to please even the most discerning ears! We are thus very happy to host two of the finest Croatian selectors making waves across the Yugosphere and beyond; N/OBE and Babilonska! Joining them will be Ljubljana’s jungle polymath Nice Trick and d’n’b wiz kid Zorkow!

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐚 (CRO)
𝐍/𝐨𝐛𝐞 (CRO)
𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 (SI)
𝐙𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐨𝐰 (SI)

Nina Maštruko aka Babilonska is a Croatian DJ whose sets blend diverse aesthetics of contemporary electronic music, from bass, breakbeat and beat scenes to footwork and edgy club sounds. For the last six years she has been active on the Zagreb independent scene as the founder of the experimental music festival ZEZ Festival. She is also a member of the collective/series Subtilno and co-host of the radio show Ambikronia on Radio Student, showcasing marginal music scenes and contemporary experimental club music.

N/OBE is a Zagreb-based DJ, producer, promoter, and radio host. He is the co-founder of Zagreb’s VOLTA collective which, together with Belgrade’s SUTRA and Ljubljana’s USTANOVA, forms a Pan-Balkan rave platform Borba. He has released tracks on the Italian imprint Early Reflex and the German label Kaer’Uiks, and works as a media composer in Croatia, scoring music for theatre, dance, gallery exhibitions, and short films.

One of the brightest talents to rise from the contemporary electronic music scene in Slovenia, Nice Trick’s penchant for instant mood-setting coupled with intricate drum work and tasteful references have been noticed by music journalists and event-goers alike. The eclecticism and cinematic flair of his work have seen him step out of genre-specific confines and carve out his own niche within a heavily contested and tight-knit scene, evidenced by a steady stream of releases and performances at MENT festival and various club nights.

Zorkow is a relative newcomer to the d’n’b / jungle scene in Ljubljana who has quickly caught the ear of fans and promoters in the Slovenian capital with an eclectic mix of genres from half-step to tribal and jungle flavours. Find out what the hype is about at the first Keep in Mind pre-event!

Early bird tickets for this year’s Keep in Mind Festival will be available at the event! Secure your tickets now at a discount and join us in June for an extravagant musical experience with international guests, workshops and much much more!