Klubski večeri

Gifts X JustBe

Za tokratno obdarovanje v kanalu Gifts zdruzujemo moči s kolektivom JustBe iz severne Italije.

🎁 DD7016 🎁 Dave 🎁 Contact

Vstopnina: 8€ < 24.00 > 10€

Crew, ki si je zaradi njihovega čudovitega vzdušja, vajba in seveda muzike naredil ime in uveljavil na sceni.

Poleg običajnih obdarovalcev se nam pridruzuje Dave! Rezident klubov Tortuga Club, B-Side in aktiven član kolektiva JustBe, z svojim skoraj kriminalno dobrim arsenalom plat nas bo nedvomno popeljal v ples, ki s ga bomo zapomnili.

For this Gifts we are collaborating with the JustBe Collective. A crew that has made its way among the collectives of northern Italy, differentiating itself with its cheerful and crazy mood!
Alongside the usual gifters we are joined by Dave!

A resident of Tortuga Club and B-Side Club and an active member of the JustBe collective, with his arsenal of records he will make is debut in Ljubljana, where he recently moved. This will be a a dance we wont forget and we can’t wait to see you in the dancefloor!

Of course as always we have 0 tolerance for harassment and discrimination of any kind. We’ve never have these problems at Gifts but still.
If you feel harassed in any kind or just feeling bad psychically find any of the Gifts crew, club crew or just come to the bar and explain your problem.