Festival Grounded že sedmo leto zapored predstavlja najvznemirljivejše fenomene postklubske, eksperimentalne in (pre)drzne elektronike. Od 20.00 do 22.00 tudi v LINK Ch0 livestreamu neposredno s Parkinga Ch0!
Vstopnice na https://pretix.eu/dogodki/grounded2023/
Letos celoten glasbeni program poteka v klubih in na dvorišču AKC Metelkova. Festival bomo otvorili v četrtek 24.8. v klubu Channel Zero, kjer se z liveactom predstavlja glasbenica in vokalistka BABYNYMPH iz Aten, ki ustvarja natančno zgrajeno pornpop zvočno pokrajino, ironizira pretirano moškost in kriči hiperženstvenost. Ob boku slovenska zasedba, z live actom ASCYTH in dj setom NASTYNANCY ter MSN GF.
Vzporedno najavljamo izdajo prve GROUNDED – PEACE VA (various artists) benefit kompilacije, ki bo združila glasbene prispevke tujih in domačih ustvarjalcev_k, ki so na festivalu nastopali_e v preteklosti ali pa bodo imeli_e svoj premierni nastop na letošnji ediciji. Kompilacija bo izšla v limited edition fizični izdaji in neomejeni digitalni. Ves izkupiček od fizične in digitalne prodaje bo podprl ukrajinska prizadevanja za pravičnost in mir.
24.8.2023 ob 22.00, FESTIVAL GROUNDED / OPENING NIGHT / club night
We present Grounded Festival’s music program for 2023, which, following the most current guidelines, presents the most exciting phenomena of post-club, experimental and bold electronica for the seventh year.
This year, the entire music part of the festival takes place in clubs and in the courtyard of AKC Metelkova. Opening night will take place on Thursday, August 24. in Club Channel ZERO.
The opening night features a live act by the musician and vocalist BABYNYMPH from Athens, who creates a carefully constructed pornpop soundscape, ironizes exaggerated masculinity and screams hyperfemininity. Alongside Slovenian acts – ASCYTH with a live act, NASTYNANCY and MSN GF with dj sets.
The festival takes place at 6 venues, on three days and three nights, with more than 25 acts, local unpolished pearls and other musicians who burn our club skin.
In parallel we announce the release of the first GROUNDED – PEACE VA (various artists) benefit compilation, which brings together musical contributions of foreign and local artists who have performed at the festival in the past or will have their premiere performance at this year’s edition. The compilation will be released in a limited edition physical version as well as unlimited digital. All proceeds from physical and digital sales will support Ukraine’s efforts for justice and peace.