Klubski večeri


Kolektiv DE/FRAGMENT predstavlja londonski kolektiv Das Booty!

🍑 Rory K [UK | Das Booty] 🍑 Boycey [UK | Das Booty] 🍑 Terranigma (live) 🍑 Selgor 🍑 Douchean b2b S.S.S.

Vstopnina: 10€

Po divji decembrski zabavi, ki je obeležila izdajo nove VA kompilacije, smo za našo naslednjo klubsko avanturo v goste poklicali dva člana londonskega kolektiva in založbe Das Booty. Sladokusci za najobskurnejše podtalne zvoke, Das Booty predstavljajo vse od techno in electro temačnosti do ghetto in footwork norčij. Kolektiv je bil ustanovljen leta 2018 in v zadnjem času uživa vztrajen vzpon v prepoznavnosti, s številnimi dogodki, nastopi in gostovanji v mednarodnem glasbenem prostoru – nastopi članov v svetovno znani DJ kopalnici Hör, številna mednarodna gostovanja in napovedan takeover na letošnji ediciji legendarnega festivala Bang Face. S pomočjo lokalne pekočine nas čaka noč neprimerljive zvočne ekstravagance.


After December’s absolute smash of a release party, we have invited two members of the London-based collective and label Das Booty to join us for our next club outing. Das Booty are purveyors of some of the finest underground sounds around, from techno and electro edginess to ghetto and footwork cheeky shenanigans. Established in 2018 and enjoying a steady rise in recognition over the past few years, the collective has been making waves all over the UK and beyond, with appearances in the world’s most famous DJ bathroom Hör, numerous international takeovers, tracks from their label being played in places like Berghain by some of the biggest names in the game, and a planned takeover at this year’s edition of the legendary Bang Face. With the help of some spicy local flavor, a night of unbridled sonic extravagance awaits.

Or as they say in London – FULL ON RAVE FILTH ALL NIGHT LONG.