Prvo ime francoske basovske muzike, sinonim za pustolovskega didžeja in šef založbe TEMƎT – premierno v Ljubljani!
Simo Cell
Russell Sprout
Jaša Bužinel
Blažen DJ
Vstopnina: 10€ < 24.00 > 12€
Music policy: bass, dubstep, mutant dancehall, techno, breakbeat, garage, electro, house
Simo Cell je nekakšen duhovni sopotnik kolektiva Cosmic Sex in nasploh didžej in producent, ki je s svojo vizijo transžanrske basovske glasbe iz vseh koncev sveta močno vplival na našo estetiko. Njegove produkcije, izdane pri založbah à la Livity Sound, Wisdom Teeth in Brothers From Different Mothers, se v naših setih pojavljajo že od samega začetka, miksi, kot so njegov b2b s Skee Maskom ali posnetek iz festivala Dekmantel Selectors 2021, pa nam služijo kot navdih za avanturistično klubsko didžejanje.
Njegov prvi gig v Ljubljani smo uspeli stisniti med njegova nastopa na festivalu Dekmantel Selectors, k nam pa prihaja le dva tedna pred izidom njegovega težko pričakovanega debitantskega albuma Cuspide Des Sirènes, ki bo pri njegovi založbi TEMƎT Music izšel 14. septembra.
Ob imenih, kot so Bambounou, Low Jack in The Pilotwings, pariški producent velja za eno prvih imen francoske progresivne elektronske glasbe, ki v svojem izrazu združuje dediščino britanskih basovskih muzik, globalne klubske zvoke in lastno ljubezen do eksperimentiranja. Z izvirnimi, prilagodljivimi selekcijami, ki kažejo na njegovo estetsko širino (slišite lahko od francoskega housa, trapa in hip hopa do arabskega basa, oldskul techna in baile funka), plesalcem na svetovnih plesiščih servira nepredvidljivo vratolomne in seksapilno dinamične sete.
Za uverturo v večer bosta s premiernim b2b-jem poskrbela Zvèn in Jaša, za epilog Russell Sprout in Blažen DJ, za luči skozi celoten večer pa šefe TiWi!
Pridite zgodaj ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Ostanite do konca.
We’re closing the 2022/23 season with the ambassador French bass and one of our biggest inspirations when it comes to adventurous club music!
Simo Cell is a kindred spirit of the Cosmic Sex collective and a DJ/producer who has greatly influenced our aesthetics with his vision of transgenre global bass music. His productions, released on labels à la Livity Sound, Wisdom Teeth and Brothers From Different Mothers!, have featured in our sets from the very beginning, and mixes such as his b2b with Skee Mask or the Dekmantel Selectors 2021 mix serve as inspiration for cutting-edge DJing.
We’ve managed to squeeze his Ljubljana debut in between his performances at Dekmantel Selectors, just two weeks before the release of his highly anticipated debut album Cuspide Des Sirènes, which will be out on TEMƎT Music on 14 September. Alongside names such as Bambounou, Low Jack and The Pilotwings, the Paris-based producer is considered one of the first names in French progressive electronic music, combining in his expression the heritage of British bass music, global club aesthetics and his own love of experimentation.
Taking care of the warm up are Jaša and Zvèn with their first b2b, while Blažen DJ and Russell Sprout are on closing duties.
Come early ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Stay till the end.