Ameriška zasedba Chew, znana po svojem neobičajnem zvoku, ki združuje elemente psihedeličnega in noise rocka, ambientale, industriala ter elektronske glasbe, bo Channel Zero popeljala v svoje sfuzzirano sanjarjenje.
12 EUR v predprodaji | Predprodaja
15 EUR na dan dogodka
9,6 EUR za dijake, študente in upokojence
ZA FENE: Battles, The Spirit of the Beehive, Haiku Garden …
V urbanem neonskem labirintu Atlante so Chew vzniknili kot alkimisti, ki resničnost izkrivljajo s kalejdoskopskimi rifi in kibernetskimi ritmi, ustvarjajoč zvočne krajine, kjer se čas zvija, organsko pa se v distopičnem plesu prepleta s sintetičnim. Bendovi eksplozivni nastopi pokajo kot razgaljene žice in vodijo občinstvo v visceralno, transcendentno izkušnjo, kjer vsak ton predstavlja holografski šepet alternativnih dimenzij.
Z letošnjim novim albumom Chew krmarijo po krhkem ravnovesju med kaosom in harmonijo v nenehno spreminjajoči se matrici obstoja. Ob začetku novega poglavja svojo norost vodijo čez Atlantik, pripravljeni razkriti izkušnjo, ki občinstvo vabi v svet zabrisane resničnost in glasbenih prehodov v druge dimenzije.
Organizacija: Kino Šiška.
American band Chew, known for their unorthodox sound that blends elements of psychedelic and noise rock, ambient, industrial, and electronic music, are bringing their fuzzed-out dreamscapes to Channel Zero.
FOR FANS OF: Battles, The Spirit of the Beehive, Haiku Garden …
In the neon-lit urban labyrinth of Atlanta, Chew emerged as sonic alchemists who bend reality with kaleidoscopic riffs and cybernetic rhythms, crafting soundscapes where time warps and the organic melds with the synthetic in a dystopian dance. Their explosive live performances crackle like exposed wires, pulling audiences into a visceral, transcendent experience – each note a holographic whisper of alternate dimensions.
With this year’s new album, Chew navigates the delicate balance between chaos and harmony in the ever-shifting matrix of existence. Now, as they prepare to embark on a new chapter, Chew takes their madness across the Atlantic, poised to unveil an experience that invites audiences to step into a world where reality blurs and the music becomes a gateway to other realms.
Tickets on sale online and at Eventim outlets.
Organisation: Kino Šiška.