AFERA — 2nd edition je tukaj! Med 21.00 in 23.00 tudi na LINKu
Maja Panini
Marzipan (CZ)
Beam Team
Vstopnina: 8€ < 24.00 > 10€
MUSIC POLICY: Italo, Indie Dance, House, Dark Disco, EBM in vse vmes.
LINK stream:
6. decembra bomo v Channel Zero skupaj zakorakali v veseli december, tako kot se spodobi, z drugo edicijo AFERE!
Pridite pohengat s svojo ekipo, se prepustiti nočnim scenam in začutiti tisto posebno energijo, ki združuje vse ljudi na plesišču. Res se splača priti pogledat, ker smo se za ta naš event ekstra potrudili in naredili, da je poleg hude muzike tudi nora scena in visualsi, ob katerih boste pozabili na čas in ostali z nami do jutra.
Trust us, tega res ne smete zamuditi!
✦✦✦✦✦ LINE-UP ✦✦✦✦✦
Organizator in srce AFERE, ki uživa v tem, da nam predaja svojo energijo skozi muziko. Nič ga ne osreči bolj kot pogled na dancefloor, ki se pred njim polni z nasmejanimi obrazi najboljših supporterjev. Njegovi seti, navdihnjeni z zvoki 80-ih in 90-ih, ponujajo plesno mešanico Itala, Indie Dance-a, Wave-a, Dark Disca in EBM-a.
To bo že druga AFERA za Majo, ki je na prvem eventu zaključila dolgo noč hudega žura. Res nočete zamuditi njenega nalezljivega, poskočnega plesanja med rolanjem! S svojimi igrivimi seti je popestrila plesišča na mnogih dogodkih, med drugim v klubih K4 in Gala Hala v Sloveniji ter na festivalu Flows na Hrvaškem.
Pazi to – AFERA bo imela svojega prvega gosta iz tujine! How cool is that? Tokrat se nam iz Češke pridružuje Jakub, ki prinaša s sabo svojo edinstveno energijo ter selekcijo Italo, Dark Disco in EBM komadov, z dodatkom Acid synth-ov v svojem zvoku. Svojo DJ kariero je začel na študentskem radiu UP AIR, kjer je vodil serijo “Kuchyňa”, nastopal pa je tudi na številnih eventih po Češki, vključno s Festivalom Rosnička, pul.pit in Swim Club. Če vas do zdaj še nič ni prepričalo – pridite, da skupaj pokažemo Jakubu, kako se žura na Meti!
✦✦✦✦✦ VISUALS & LIGHT ✦✦✦✦✦
P.S. Tukaj si lahko še pogledate kako smo se imeli na prvi AFERI.
AFERA — 2nd edition is here!
On December 6th, we’ll be stepping into the festive season together at Channel Zero with the second edition of AFERA!
Come hang out with your crew, lose yourself in the night scenes, and feel that special energy that brings everyone on the dancefloor together. This event is a must-see because we’ve gone all out to make sure it’s more than just great music — we’ve crafted an awesome atmosphere and visuals that will make you lose track of time and keep you with us until morning.
Trust us, you really don’t wanna miss this one!
MUSIC POLICY: Italo, Indie Dance, House, Dark Disco, EBM and everything in between.
✦✦✦✦✦ LINE-UP ✦✦✦✦✦
The organizer and heart of AFERA, who loves sharing his energy with us through music. Nothing brings him more joy than watching the dancefloor fill up with the happy faces of his best supporters.
His sets, inspired by the sounds of the 80s and 90s, offer a vibrant blend of Italo, Indie Dance, Wave, Dark Disco and EBM.
This will be Maja’s second AFERA, and she wrapped up the first event with an epic party night. You really don’t wanna miss her infectious, high-energy dancing while she’s playing!
Her playful sets have lit up dancefloors at numerous events, including clubs like K4 and Gala Hala in Slovenia, as well as the Flows Festival in Croatia.
Guess what – AFERA will host its first international guest! How cool is that?
This time, joining us from the Czech Republic is Jakub, bringing his unique energy and a selection of Italo, Dark Disco, and EBM tracks, with a touch of Acid synths in his sound. He began his DJ career at the student radio station UP AIR, where he hosted the “Kuchyňa” series, and has played numerous gigs across Czech, including Festival Rosnicka, pul.pit, and Swim Club.
If nothing has convinced you yet – come along so we can show Jakub how we party at Metelkova!
✦✦✦✦✦ VISUALS & LIGHT ✦✦✦✦✦
✦✦✦✦✦ ENTRY ✦✦✦✦✦
8€ before 00h
10€ after 00h