Klubski večeri

Echo0007 w CRRDR [CO] & Slutka [RS]

Na Echo0007 prihaja kolumbijski DJ in producent, znan po edinstvenih slogih latincore, latin tekno in uwuracha.

🗣️ CRRDR [CO] 🗣️ Endzi [RS] 🗣️ Am Hi [RS] 🗣️ Ribero

🎟️ Vstopnina:
10€ presale @Big Nose shop & promotorji
12€ na vratih

🎶 Music Policy: Bass, Latincore, Latin Tekno, Uwuracha, Baile Funk, Club, Jungle

V tokratni ediciji v goste prihaja CRRDR, kolumbijski DJ in producent, znan po edinstvenih slogih latincore, latin tekno in uwuracha, ki z udarnimi ritmi evropskega podtalja združujejo klasične latinskoameriške stile dembow, guaracha, tribal in latin tek. Kot soustanovitelj založbe Muakk in ustanovitelj Trampa je pustil močan pečat v razvoju elektronske klubske glasbe v regiji in po svetu. Njegova mnogotera dela je mogoče zaslediti na založbah Naafi, Vox Nox, Angels Gun Club, Low Income $quad, Jerry Horny ipd., njegovi posnetki nastopov pa so dostopni na platformah kot so Netflix, Boiler Room Hard Dance, NTS x Diesel in Rinse FM.

Njegov obisk bosta pospremila Endzi in Am Hi iz srbskega kolektiva SLUTka, ki se specializira v organizaciji kvir rejvov v Novem Sadu in Beogradu in Ribero, domačo producentko, vokalistko in DJ-ko, ki spretno prepleta eksperimentalni, dekonstructed club z baile funkom, jerseyjem in bass žanri.

Organizacija: Echo / Contact: echo0000echo0000echo0000@gmail.com

Powered by: Big Nose Ent., Club Mate, Radio Študent, Sitri.wtf, Snail Papers, Redoljub.

The second edition of Echo0000 this season will take place on March 14th in KUD Channel Zero!

This edition features a guest appearance by CRRDR – a Colombian DJ and music producer known for the unique style, which encompasses accelerated fusion of Latin American sounds such as Dembow, Guaracha, Tribal and Latin Tek with styles of the European underground. As co-founder of the label Muakk and founder of Trampa, he has made a significant mark on the regional and global electronic music scene. He has released music through Naafi, Vox Nox, and collaborated with Natty Peluso on the Club Grasa project. In 2024, Mixmag named him in their “DJ Highlight,” emphasizing his growing influence. His talent has also led to appearances on platforms such as Netflix, Boiler Room Hard Dance, NTS x Diesel, Rinse, and more.

His visit will be accompanied by Endzi and Am Hi from the Serbian collective SLUTka, which specialises in organising queer raves in Novi Sad and Belgrade, and Ribera, a local producer, vocalist and DJ who skillfully blends experimental, deconstructed club with baile funk, jersey and bass genres.

Tickets on pre-sale between 3.3. and 13.3. – linktr.ee/echo0000 – through promoters, sitri.wtf and in the Big Nose shop you can support the series by buying a ticket and/or supporter merch early. <3