Klubski večeri

Slayvenija w/ SLV024, balana split

Drugi Slayvenski večer v Channel Zero z gostoma SLVC024 iz Srbije in balana split iz Ustanove.

🌺 SLVC024 (RS) 🌺 balana split 🌺 DVMIR x gramma 🌺 Geja Pederšić

Vstopnina: 8€< 24.00 > 10€

Music Policy: Ballroom House / House / Vogue / Techno / Baile Funk / Latin / Tropical Bass / Hybrid Club / Etc.

Klubski večer Slayvenija se po avgustovskem razvratu v Klubu Tiffany zopet vrača v Channel Zero!!! 🌈💃
7. slaytembra se bomo skupaj zbrali in proslavili prihod jeseni 🍂 skupaj z gostoma SLVC024 iz Srbije in našo lokalno legendo balana split iz kolektiva Ustanova! 👀🩰

SLVC024 je eden od predstavnikov mlajše DJ generacije 🎧 iz Beograda. Na sceni se je pojavil šele pred nekaj leti in ustanovil kvir kolektiv Slutka, ki prireja zdaj že kultni klubski večer po istem imenu. Njegove mixe karakterizirajo predvsem energetične melodije 🎶, trd bas 🔊 in provokativni vokali 🎤.

balana split je sladica na osnovi sladoleda 🍨, sestavljena iz electra ⚡, techna 🎚️ in olupljene banane 🍌, ki je po dolžini prerezana na pol in postrežena z latin funkom 💃, housom 🏠, ballroom-om 🎭 in sladoledom ter prelivom sladki greh med obema deloma (banane) 🍫. Stregla se je na festivalu Grounded, Nindri Indri, Disko Loka, link ch0 x MENT, Zvjerinjaku, Nimaš Izbire, capsule berlin in Radiu Študent 📻.

Gostoma se bodo pridružili še Slayvenija rezidenti 🌟 ampak tokrat v malce drugačni konstelaciji, kot ste jih vajeni. 😲😲😲

Vljudno vabljeni prijatelji dobre glasbe 🎉.


The Slayvenija club night is returning to Channel Zero after the wild August event at Klub Tiffany!!! 🌈💃
On 7th Slaytember, we’ll gather together to celebrate the arrival of autumn 🍂 with special guests SLVC024 from Serbia and our local legend balana split from the Ustanova collective!

SLVC024 is one of the representatives of the younger DJ generation 🎧 from Belgrade. He appeared on the scene just a few years ago and founded the queer collective Slutka, which now hosts a cult club night of the same name. His mixes are characterized by energetic melodies 🎶, heavy bass 🔊, and provocative vocals 🎤.

balana split is a dessert made with ice cream 🍨, consisting of electro ⚡, techno 🎚️, and a peeled banana 🍌, split lengthwise and served with Latin funk 💃, house 🏠, ballroom 🎭, and ice cream, with a topping of chocolate syrup between the two banana halves 🍫. She has performed at festivals like Grounded, Nindri Indri, Disko Loka, link ch0 x MENT, Zvjerinjak, Nimaš Izbire, Capsule Berlin, and Radio Študent 📻.
They will be joined by Slayvenija residents 🌟, but this time in a slightly different constellation than you’re used to. 😲😲😲

You are all warmly invited, friends of good music 🎉.