Klubski večeri

Echo0004 w/ NVST [CH]

V tokratni ediciji serialke Echo0000 gostimo NVST – švicarsko didžejko in producentko in eno od vzhajajočih zvezd mednarodne klubske in elektronske glasbene scene.

🗣️ NVST [CH] 🗣️ Grumen [HR] 🗣️ Iggy Dope [HR] 🗣️ Selgor

Vstopnina: 10€ v predprodaji / 12€ na dan dogodka

Music Policy: Bass, Techno, Breakbeat, Electro, Deconstructed Club, Jungle

Contact: echo0000echo0000echo0000@gmail.com

Četrta edicija Echo0000 se bo zgodila petega julija v klubu Channel Zero! Serija predvidenih petih dogodkov v 2024 se bo osredotočala na obujanje ritmov bass žanra – značilnega za obdboje devetdesetih na britanskem otoku – ki po Evropski alternativni sceni odmeva že več kot tri desetletja, ter na zbliževanje slovenske klubske subkulture s podobnimi iniciativami po Balkanu.

V tokratni ediciji gostimo NVST – Švicarsko didžejko in producentko, uveljavljeno kot eno od vzhajajočih zvezd mednarodne klubske in elektronske glasbene scene. Poleg izdaj EP-ja, dveh albumov in večih singlov (med drugim na kompilaciji berlinskega kluba Tresor), z The Drift Institute pripravlja album, ki bo izšel pri ženevski založbi Les Disques Magnétiques. Je redna gostja večjih festivalov kot so Amsterdam Dance Event, Positive Education, Dekmantel Selectors ter kultnih klubov Garage Noord, Ankali, Zhao Dai ipd. Glasbenica je soustanoviteljica založbe Big Science, ki se osredotoča na obrobno elektronsko glasbo in kot rezident vodi oddaji na radijskih postajah LYLRadio in Rinse FM. V Ljubljani bodo njen nastop pospremili Grumen – glasbeni selektor in vodja hrvaškega kolektiva U/OFFU , ki strast za nabasirane ritme goji predvsem na premici Zagreb-Šibenik, Iggy Dope – mojster zagrebškega podtalja z bogato zgodovino v vlogi producenta in DJ-a, član kultnega hrvaškega kolektiva BSMSNT in voditelj oddaje Dopamine Synthesis na Bristolskem radiu NOODS, ter Selgor – domači predstavnik kolektivov/založb DE/FRAGMENT in Void Music.

Powered by: Big Nose Ent., Dobra Vila Pizzeria, Isa’s Kombucha, Radio Študent, Sitri.wtf, Snail Papers, Redoljub.

The fourth edition of Echo0000 will take place on July 5th in KUD Channel Zero! The series of five events planned for 2024 will focus on reviving the rhythms of the bass genre – a staple of the 90s UK scene – which has been echoing in the European alternative scene for more than three decades, and on bringing Slovenian club subculture closer to similar initiatives in the Balkans.

This edition we welcome NVST – DJ and producer from Switzerland, who has established herself as one of the rising stars of the international clubbing and electronic music scene. A regular guest at the most prestigious clubbing festivals (Amsterdam Dance Event, Positive Education, Dekmantel Selectors) and the trendiest clubs of the moment (Garage Noord, Tresor, Ankali, Zhao Dai), she leaves no one indifferent.

NVST’s vast discography speaks for itself. Not only has she released an EP and two albums under her own name, but she has also collaborated with The Drift Institute and has an upcoming album set to be released under the Geneva based label Les Disques Magnétiques (a sublabel of Disques Bongo Joe). In addition to these accomplishments, her recent feature in a Tresor compilation solidifies her position at the forefront of cutting edge underground electronic music. In addition to her already impressive schedule, she co-directs the Big Science label with Warzou, a sound experimentation laboratory focused on marginal electronic music. She is also a resident DJ on LYL Radio and Rinse FM. In Ljubljana, her performance will be accompanied by Grumen – music selector and leader of the Croatian collective U/Offu, Iggy Dope – Zagreb’s underground well established producer and DJ, member of the cult Croatian collective BSMSNT and host of the Dopamine Synthesis show on Bristol’s NOODS radio, and Selgor – local representative of the DE/FRAGMENT and Void Music collectives/labels.

Tickets on pre-sale between 24.6. and 4.7. – linktr.ee/echo0000 – through promoters, sitri.wtf and in the Big Nose shop you can support the series by buying a ticket and/or supporter merch early. <3