Klubski večeri

Reckless Love Rides

RotorMotor premierno predstavlja dirko za veliko nagrado Gala Hale in Kanala Nič.

💋 Mezer The Architect (PL) 💋 Tric 💋 Glorex

Vstopnina: 13€ earlybird, 17€ presale, 20€ na dan
Predprodaja: https://olaii.com/event/4610/reckless-love-rides

Imetniki predprodajnih vstopnic imajo zagotovljen vstop do polnoči, nato pa imajo prednost pri vstopu. V primeru polne kapacitete katerega koli od prizorišč, vstop poteka po načelu en vstop – en izstop.

Pustite zavore doma in se pripravite na divjo nočno vožnjo po nepredvidljivih ovinkih Metelkove.

S poljskega Gdanska v Channel Zero prihaja Mezer The Arhitect. Mesto vodilnega v skupnem seštevku si je zagotovil s svojim edinstvenim slogom produkcije, ki združuje nalezljive ritme hardgroove techna z ghetto house-om. Techno koračnice devetdesetih so ga navdihnile, da je skozi leta na SoundCloudu pridobil pomembno bazo oboževalcev, kar mu je prineslo različne nastope po Evropi, tokrat pa se bo v debitantskem nastopu predstavil poslušalstvu v slovenski prestolnici.

Barve Škofje Loke bo zastopal Patrik Krajnik, ki nastopa pod umetniškim imenom Tric. Redni gost franšize Diskölöka in aktivni član kolektiva KLETKA se navdušuje nad technom na visokih obratih, vseeno pa njegovim preciznim setom ne manjka emocij ter dinamike.

Channel Zero bo do cilja pripeljala Glorex, ena izmed protagonistk kolektiva Lekker in rezidentka dogodkov Double Date. V svojih setih sunkovito prestavlja med žanri kot so techno, trance, electro in ghetto tech, zato vam toplo priporočamo, da pripnete varnostne pasove.

Na sosednji progi, v Gala Hali, začenja калина. Tako ona kot njena selekcija sta energični in v nenehnem gibanju, dark disco, ebm in darkwave aranžma pa ima odtis njenih house korenin. V K4 je iz poslušalke diplomirala v dj-ko, zdaj pa svoje skillse (in dj booth dance move) pili pod okriljem ekipe Just A Dance.

Preostanek večera na desnem prizorišču pripada gostiteljema. Dvoglava mašina na raketni pogon imenovana RotorMotor bo s peturnim setom utrudila še najbolj zveste ljubitelje dirkalnih športov in za seboj pustila dolge črne odtise pnevmatik.

Se vidimo zadnjo soboto v maju!


Gala Hala
22-00 калина
00-05 RotorMotor

Channel Zero
23-01 Tric
01-03 Mezer The Architect
03-06 Glorex

ENG event text

Leave your brakes at home and get ready for a wild night ride along the unpredictable curves of Metelkova. RotorMotor premieres the race for the grand prize of Gala Hala and Channel Zero.

Mezer The Architect comes to Channel Zero from Gdansk, Poland. He secured his place as the leader in the total with his unique production style that combines the infectious rhythms of hardgroove techno with ghetto house. The techno marches of the nineties inspired him to gain a significant fan base on SoundCloud over the years, which brought him various performances in Europe, and this time he will present himself to the audience in the Slovenian capital in his debut performance.

The colors of Škofja Loka will be represented by Patrik Krajnik, who performs under the stage name Tric. A regular guest of the Diskölöka franchise and an active member of the KLETKA collective, he is passionate about high-performance techno, but his precise sets do not lack emotion and dynamics.

Glorex, one of the protagonists of the Lekker collective and a resident of Double Date events, will bring it to the finish line. In her sets, she switches between genres such as techno, trance, electro and ghetto tech, so we strongly recommend you to fasten your seat belts.

On the adjacent track, in Gala Hala, калина is starting. Both she and her selection are energetic and in constant motion, and the dark disco, ebm and darkwave arrangement has the imprint of her house roots. In K4, she graduated from being a listener to becoming a DJ, and now she’s putting her skills (and dj booth dance moves) to use under the auspices of the Just A Dance team.

The rest of the evening belongs to the hosts. The two-headed rocket-powered machine called RotorMotor will wear out even the most loyal fans of racing sports with a five-hour set and leave behind long black tire prints.

See you on the last Saturday in May!

Presale ticket holders are guaranteed entry until midnight, after which they have priority entry. In the case of full capacity of any of the venues, entry is based on the principle of one entry – one exit.