Trdee Dado (Code.EP) W.G. (My Hell Jackson, Gipsy Jungle) Freeverse (Synaptic, Krunch it!!, Dub Lab) Sunneh (Krunch it!!, Dub Lab)
še zadnji drumnbass/jungle event serialke back to the oldskool!
Vstopnina: 3 eur do 24h / 5 eur
Trdee Dado (Code.EP) W.G. (My Hell Jackson, Gipsy Jungle) Freeverse (Synaptic, Krunch it!!, Dub Lab) Sunneh (Krunch it!!, Dub Lab)
še zadnji drumnbass/jungle event serialke back to the oldskool!
Vstopnina: 3 eur do 24h / 5 eur